Sunday, March 9, 2014

The future mirror

It's strange how we get the best of ideas at a place and time where we least expect to receive it. It can be anything from as small as a new activity you decide to do in your spare time or as big as a multi-million dollar new business idea which no one might have ever thought about. Ever wondered why you get it at unusual times? Forget that, have you ever gone ahead and implemented or at the least worked upon the idea? My guess is that most of us, including me, have smiled about the fact they got an idea, felt happy about it and eventually forgot about it.

Today while I was in the shower, my mind was racing, as is always the case. I generally take not less than 45 mins in the shower everyday. In those 45 mins of the day, my mind is as open as a parachute. Absolutely anything and everything under the sun come across my thoughts. Sometimes it makes me laugh, at times I cry, and there are times when I feel absolutely inspired and motivated. Something similar happened today.

I'm going through a sort of a rough patch in my life off lately which keeps me slightly upset. Without getting into much details, it is more than enough to know that I am in a messy situation which has made me rather weak from within. Whenever I'm in such a frame of mind, I have always resorted to writing. I find it extremely comforting and I enjoy the feeling of penning down all that I have in my heart on paper. It makes me light. Moreover, I get a certain joy from writing that I never feel from anything else I do. For the past couple of weeks, I have been writing actively. Am writing a story, and I am writing about general life experiences which I'm going to incorporate in the story. A rather unusual way of writing a story, but it's working for me. It's like, I'm putting my insomnia into perfect use. Every night while I'm lying on my bed and not sleeping, everything that happened through the day I run it in my mind and there you are, I am left with so many instances and experiences that can  be incorporated in the story. Small things. But it is the small things that have a huge impact when put across in a way anyone can relate.

Today in the shower, like any other day, my mind was into my story. It was racing into thoughts. How am I going to shape it, build the characters and what not. Just then, something really simple but marvellous happened. There is a mirror in my bathroom which always gets foggy and unclear everyday because of the warm water shower. I'm sure there is a science behind it but I was least bothered to know the actual reason. Everyday I wipe off the face of the mirror with my hands so that I can see myself clearly. Today, I did the same. But what I saw today, absolutely blew me away.

As I slowly wiped the surface of the mirror to make it clearer, something different and really beautiful started unfolding. I did not see the same frowning face, I did not see the tension lines on the forehead, I did not see the shabby unshaven look, I did not see the crumbled hair, I did not see the uncertainty in the expression, I did not see the problems of the past, I did not see the worries of the present.

I saw a happy and smiling face. I saw an image of myself which I have always wanted to be but had never been all these years. I saw myself enjoying with my family and friends. The smile, joy and happiness is so comforting to see in all their faces, it feels as if this is what I have been living for. I can see myself as a successful author of several best sellers, I can see my brother and bhabhi as successful businessmen, I can see my parents enjoying the best years of their lives, I can see the girl of my dreams and the kind of girl I always wanted as my loving wife. I can see the dream house, the dream car, I can see the satisfaction and content in their eyes. I can see it all, everything that I ever wanted, for myself and for my loving family.

Slowly but surely, I realised I was looking at my future. The magical mirror showed me all that I have ever wanted in my life. It showed me my destination, the very purpose of my existence. I could time travel and see myself in the future. After about a few mins, my otherwise expression-less face turned into an extremely joyful and smiling one. Viola, I just went closer one step to my future. When I saw my future, it instantly brought a rise smile on my face. More importantly, when I saw my future, I got hugely inspired and motivated to make it happen.

When you know where you want to reach in life, only then can you know what it takes to reach there. This 10 mins of magical experience I got today made me realise where I always wanted to be but could never really see it. Today I not only saw my future but also felt it. I almost lived it. The future was so beautiful, now I know that not a day in my life will pass without me not putting any efforts to reach there.

I called it the future mirror. Every day I am going to spend time in front of my future mirror going ahead. Every day I will be living my future. Every day I will be reminding myself of what I am going to become. The best part of the future mirror is that it not only hides the past, but also ignores the present and only shows the future. It shows a beautiful picture.

Go find your future mirror guys. Not asking you to run to your bathrooms and look for a mirror, go deeper into yourselves and find what you really want. Visualise it everyday. Live it. Experience it. Feel it. Someone somewhere has very right said, if you cannot even visualise or imagine what you want I life, there is no chance you will get it.

Happy living! :)