Monday, August 18, 2008

3 mistakes of my life.. !!

I am not really fond of books and reading and stuff. But I’ve always been a fan of Chetan Bhagat and his novels. I had read his Five Point Someone and One night @ a Call Center and really liked them. As soon as his third book, 3 Mistakes of my life was launched, I wanted to really get my hands on it.

I did not really get the time to read it as soon as it was launched. One day I reached early to college and had some time to kill, so I just went to the nearby Oxford Bookstore and bought the book. It’s priced at a really cheap Rs 95 only.

There are very few books that I have read which had me engrossed into it completely. Whenever I used the read it, I lost track of the time. Initially, I only read it while traveling in the train. I travel for atleast 2 – 2.5 hrs every day (only train travel) from Malad to Churchgate and back. I used to finish close to around 25 – 30 pages everyday. I was slow mainly because, I enjoyed reading it and wanted it to last for as long as it could. However, with time, my curiosity increased.

Now, I also started reading it at home after dinner while on my bed. I read it till my eyes turned watery and when it was time to sleep. Somehow, the entire plot kept running in my mind throughout the day. Even while I am not reading, I kept thinking about Govind, Omi, Ish, Ali, Vidya. All the characters kept haunting me throughout. I kept wondering what would happen next, forming my own version of the book.

I started relating the entire story to that of mine, not that it matched, but I was wondering what would have I have done next if I were in Govind’s shoes. What if I did this? Should I also start my own business which I have been long wanting to do? A Cricket Shop? Tutions? All these thoughts kept running in my mind.

Till finally, when I finished the book. Yesterday, I stay awake till 1.30 AM just so that I finish the book. The climax was so well written, it kept me interested throughout. Somehow, I thought the ending could have been a little different. In the sense, it was a very sad and unfortunate ending. But anyways, I am no one to really suggest anything to Chetan Bhagat. He is the best, a master in writing. He writes in such an easy and simple language, anyone can understand.

There it is, my little tribute to Mr Chetan Bhagat. Thought I’ll write something on him and the fantastic book. Its a must read for all. Am already waiting for his next. Oh and btw, I finshed the book in 7 days flat! :-)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Long time.. !!

Its been so long since I updated my blog. Last I posted was on Feb 24, a good 5 months back. On my way back home today, I just thought I'll write something today. Do not really have anything to write on.. let me just start.. may be it'll lead me somewhere.. ;-)

These 5 months have been crazy.. in every aspect. Umm.. ok got it.. Let me just list down some of the major things that happened over the past 5 months (not necessarily in order, just what comes to my mind first) -

Finally, pursuing MBA
Yes, I got through JBIMS Part Time MBA course. After a good 2 yrs of attempt, I finally got through the college any one would dream of getting into. So what if its a Part Time course, once I am out of college, I'll have a good 5 yrs of work-ex along with a MBA degree from JBIMS with Finance as specialization. Wow, my CV is going to be rocking 2 years from now. The faculty here is amazing, and the overall quality of knowledge is excellent. Phew, but must mention the travelling takes a toll.

Pehla Vilayti safar;-)
Thanks to my bro who is settled in Singapore, I went for my first trip abroad with family. It was fun.. a very good break from the hectic schedule here in Mumbai. We first landed at Changi Airport, Singapore and the very next day took another flight and headed to Bangkok, Thailand. Spent around 4 days there and came back to SGP. Spent a good 4-5 days at my bro's place then headed to Malaysia for a small 2 day trip. The entire trip was truly memorable. Took a lot of pics, but sadly not many with me in them coz I was the official photographer. But nwy must say, SGP has impressed me a lot. Its such a well planned city. Really amazing. Another precious moment for me was the sight of the Petronas Twin Towers in the night. Trust me it looks gorgeous when lit. Absoultely stunning. I would say its a must see once in a lifetime moment for anyone.

Farewell to my mentor
Very few people have I come across in life who have a tremendous influencing power. Harish is one of them. He was my manager for a good year until he got promoted further and moved on to lead another team. It was a real setback not only for me but also for the other members of my team since it was really difficult to digest that he would be leaving the team. The kind of leadership he displayed was really inspiring. Some months down the line came the shocking news about him leaving the organisation. Everyone in the department including me were stunned to learn that and why not! It was a great loss, not only to the business, but also to each individual. As for me, I was his biggest fan! Will never forget all those days when we used to organise events, stay back late, pani puri at 5.30 AM while we were working nights, appraisal discussions, parties and what not. And yes, how can I forget his sweet gesture, that of giving a gift to everyone who worked under him. I got a cool Ford car model and even special was the letter he wrote for me which will always be with me wherever I go. Thanks Harish for everything! You'll always be my greatest inspiration ever. And yaa, dont be surprised if I take your place somewhere in the future ;-)

CCD & me
What has not changed in these 5 months is my regular visit to CCD, with someone special :-), who got even more special with time :-) :-) The frequency has definitely gone down due to my college, but it still continues! Btw, a new coffee joint at Orlem is giving tough competition. Though, I am sure CCD will be back with a bang, since I heard its getting a facelift.

The Secret
How can I forget the secret. My friend recommended watching this movie for a long time but he would always fail to get the movie because of some pen drive issues. But nwys, co-incidently my college professor showed us the movie. And now I recommend this movie to all my friends. Its a must watch. I'll not disclose anything about the secret, but frankly, it has the power to change your life. I have started implementing it, with great difficulty initially, but it sure works. It works wonders.

My stupid, cute little mind :p
Hehe, sorry for the wierd heading. But its true, a lot of things going on in my mind these days. A lot more than what did 5 months back, which is why I am writing about it. Money, Family, Studies, Love, Hate, Friends, Fights, Irritation, Frustration, Happiness, Bliss, Enjoyment, Peace, Holiday, Luxury, Job, Cellphone, Music, Movies, Life,.. and what not.. the list is endless. All these keep running in my mind.

Phew, not sure if I covered everything. But this is all I can think of at this moment. Some great moments, some not so great ones. While a lot of good had happened over the lsat 5 months, some regrets as well. All in all, Life was a roller coaster, as it always is and will be.