Saturday, April 2, 2016

Lost and found

It was still dawn when I stepped out of the cab and walked towards the entry gate of the Delhi airport. The early morning February air was pleasantly cold.

I was travelling to Bengaluru to attend a college friend's wedding. It had been four years since we graduated from the same college. This wedding was also going to be a reunion of our batchmates. But what I didn't know was that the reunion would begin much ahead of time; right in the queue in front of the airline counter.

I was almost sure it was she. Same height! Same long hair! Same complexion! Curiosity had my eyes glued to her. And then about 60-odd seconds later, when she turned, she proved me right. My ex-girlfriend stood two places ahead of me in that queue. We had never met after the college farewell.

At first, I hid myself behind the heavy man in front of me, not wanting her to notice me. May be she saw me hiding. May be she didn’t. A few seconds later, I sneaked out of the queue slightly on my right to look at her, and there she stood with folded arms, looking straight into my eyes, a wry smile. Smile enough for her cute dimples to melt my heart, probably for the thousandth time in my life. Ah, those incredibly adorable dimples! I had fallen for them 7 years ago. I fell for them that day. I raised up both my hands, as if to surrender, with a big smile. I remember doing that every time I lost to her in our silly arguments, back in the days when we were inseparable, well almost.

“Sujoy. Wow, Mr Sujoy Kataria. ‘The big Sindhi bachcha with a big heart.’ Jeez, dude, it’s been ages! How and where on earth are you?”

“Isha Mehra, Ishu, Osama! You cute little terrifying Punju Osama! My friend, I am very much in Delhi and I am awesome as always. You disappeared! What’s your story girl?”

Sensing discomfort for the big guy behind her, Isha offered him her place in the queue and now stood right in front of me. Facing me. The queue was long, and I could hear an argument between the first guy in the queue with the airline staff at the counter.

“Long story! I’m now at the Taj Rambagh Palace, Jaipur, managing their events. Dude, its luxury redefined. Some of the stuff there is legendary.”

“Woah, I am sure it is!”

And then there was silence. That peculiar awkward silence. It reminded me of my first real fight with Isha back in the days. I had snapped at her over the phone, she was with her mom. It was my fault. I felt possessive. Typical boyfriend behaviour, she had reasoned with me later. That moment when we both sat next to each other engulfed in silence. I felt the same that day. Silence from the outside, but a deafening turmoil within each of us. A whirlwind of emotions.

“So…”, I gave in. “Ms Isha… Umm, still Miss or Misses?” I cleared my throat. For some reason, I was finding it difficult to keep eye contact.

“Miss Isha. Proud and happy to be Miss Isha.” She hardly broke a sweat. She had always been confident. I could never judge if; when she said she was happy; she actually was. Her beautifully happy face hid many a sorrows. And she did it with ease.

“Hah! Just like me. Happily, single.” I twitched my words. ‘Shoot! She never asked my marital status, idiot! Why did I say it? DARN!’ I wished I had not said it, but I smiled anyway.

“Really? I thought you must have gotten trained to change diapers by now. Haha!” She said that and let out a hearty laugh.

Those cute dimples were out again. But my mind raced at that statement. Did she just say ‘I thought…’ which means she was thinking about me? Really? After all these years, the ugly breakup, she still thought about me. Are we on to something here?

A snap of her fingers brought me back to reality. “Dude, what’s with you? I’m sorry if you felt bad at that, I just casually said it.”

“Hey no, not at all. My bad, you know me don’t you. You know the absent minded me. Yeah, I still day dream. I stare at dead walls. And sometimes, in being the honest me, I say things that I regret later.” I smiled at that. It were these very things that she had found attractive in me.

She held my hand and pulled me out of the queue. “Still 30 mins until boarding ends. Let’s Starbucks!”

“Two tall lattes for Sujoy!” The smiling attendant blurted out. I went up to the counter and carried the tray with two cups and on my way to the table picked up a single sachet of brown sugar along. That is how she liked her coffee. Only one sachet of brown sugar.

“So you remember ha!” For the first time, I could see her blush.

“Of course I do, latte with a single sachet of brown sugar. That’s how you like it.” I couldn’t help but blush myself at that.

“We were so silly back in college. God, some of the stupid arguments I can recollect. We were so immature. Weren’t we Sujoy?”

“Tell me about it. Time teaches everyone. Or, actually, I must say, failed relationships are the best teachers.” I winked at that. I don’t know why I did it.

“Achaa? So what have you learnt from…” I cut her at that. “Oh come on Ishu, let us not get there now. I mean really, we both have matured since our breakup. We have met after 4 long years, unplanned, raw, and I assume in our honest best, why delve into the past? We both are on our way to Bangalore, and we don’t know when are we going to get an opportunity to meet again, let’s just make the most of this freak meet. What say?”

“My my, Sujoy, I must say you seem more confident and outward than what I knew of you last.”

“Haha, I take that as a compliment. Thank you. And you Isha, you seem a tad timid, may be more balanced and calm and less crazy than you used to be.”

“Really? Dude, don’t you challenge me boy. You remember what happened at 3 AM that cold night at Hauz Khas right? That, Sujoy, I must admit was the best night of my life. All drunk, sloshed, passed out, but that dance in the middle of the road, Jeez, I don’t think I can ever get that crazy again. And you, the pussy you, you should have seen yourself in the mirror that night, all embarrassed and ridiculously anxious.” Her words mixed with laughter took me back to that night.
I could never forget that night. I had never told her, but that night made me rethink. I could not handle the craziness that was Isha. That night made me realise, Isha was not someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with. Not her for the really insane things she did. And she did with no hesitation. She was different. Very different than me. I was the shy and introvert kinds. I could not handle freak events, and if I were to get hitched with Isha, that would be the biggest freak event of my life.

“Phew, yeah but that was 5 years back Isha…” She cut me at that. I could notice her eyes swell up. And that was a sign of danger. Every time she came up with these crazy things she liked doing, her head lines would curve up, eyes swell and both lips abandon each other. I could see the same today.

“I have an idea… Sujoy! A fantastically crazy idea!”

I must admit, that made me nervous. But at the same time, for some strange reason, I was also looking forward. Back in the years, I used to always accompany her in her craziness but used to be scared. All along, I used to force myself into the mess but remain sane. I chose to remain sane, be a part of the craziness but enjoy it from the outside. I was shy, embarrassed. But to make me feel better, I used to tell myself I should remain outside so as to protect Isha. Save her from the prying eyes. Let her enjoy, but keep a watch. I wanted to be protective.

But today, I wanted to be a part of it. I still didn’t know what she was up to, but I secretly gave my silent approval. And I was looking forward. Waiting to get mad with her. Be crazy, be insane and no holding back, that is how she was. That is how I wanted to be that day.

“Waiting… waiting Osama!”

“Text Parag and tell him you can’t make it to Bangalore. I will do the same. Not at the same time of course.”

“Ok! And…?”

“Just do it Sujoy. Just do it now!”

Several thoughts raced my mind. I had no hesitation, but I was curious. I wanted to guess, in my mind, what she came up with. I wanted to know if my thinking matched up to hers. I wanted to know if my level of craziness, albeit I know would never be the same as hers, was any closer now than the last time we were together. ‘Do it Sujoy!’ my inner voice joined in. My hands fetched my phone, I typed, and SENT!

“Lo! Done.”

“Awesome. Now. Tell me. Jet or Indigo or Go Air or Vistara? Quick!”


“Choose one!”

“Ok… Have never travelled Vistara. So Vistara it is!”

“Awesome! Pick your luggage, and follow me.” She said and smiled. A certain air about her. A certain vibe that made me get up and follow her. Chances are, even if she wouldn’t have said it, I would have followed her.

She led me towards the exit. My mind raced. And all along, my physical self just dragged behind her while my mind was all over the place. I did not realise when I found myself standing outside the Air Vistara ticket counter near the entrance.

“Two tickets for the first flight out of here… Whatever the destination.” Isha looked straight into the eyes of the attendant.

Standing behind, I so wished she turned back and looked at me. I wanted to look into her eyes and tell her, that I loved her. Loved her for all the unexpected episodes she drives me into. Loved her for pushing me out of my comfort zone. Loved her for being herself, in this world filled with people who judge, I loved her for being Isha Mehra. The girl who shares her birthday with Osama Bin Laden, not just out of coincidence but because she was equally terrifying. Terrifying in a good, sweet way. Terrifyingly loving Isha.

The person at the counter looked perplexed. He could not make eye contact. After a good 5 second pause and a mild ‘Let me check ma’am’ he dug himself into the computer.

“Goa. Flight departs 8.25 AM, boarding is on.”

“Perfect! Two tickets.” She said that and handed her credit card.

I just stood behind in awe. Speechless. Motionless. And just then, she turned, looked at me and smiled. Her dimples were all I could see. Without a word being said, I raised my hand, as if to surrender, and smiled.

“Do you know Isha…you are special. Really special!” I told her as our voices faded into the early morning chill and airport announcements. For the first time that day, I felt, I did something that I am never going to regret in my life. The cute little terrifying Osama did it again…and this time there was no looking back.


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