Friday, February 15, 2008

A lot can happen over coffee.. !!

CCD has always been my favorite coffee joint. So much so that I actually thought of writing this. Well, Bombay has always been known for its cafe culture and the youth frequenting the coffee shops for all sorts of reasons. It has really picked up off late with a lot of cafes opening up at every nook and corner of the city, well almost. Malad Link Road itself has 4 CCD's and 3 Barista's. Just imagine within a stretch of 2 Kms from Inorbit Mall to Evershine Nagar, a total of 7 cafes and apart from that a host of other restaurants and freak out joints.

Anyway, I visit CCD absolutely every weekend. Yes, as shocking as it may seem, it has to be atleast 2-4 times in a week. Almost every Saturday & Sunday you'll find me there. Apart from that once in a while on weekdays as well. And to top it all sometimes twice in a single day, of course, at two different joints. I know you would be now wondering why on earth does this guy go there so frequently? Well, to be frank, I don't know. Needless to say, I am completely addicted to coffee which is why most of my orders at CCD comprise of a Cappuccino and for a change sometimes a Chocolate Pastry to go with it.

Sometimes I feel I would have benefited the most if CCD had a Loyalty Program or something like that. In fact, that is an idea I am in someway going to pass on to the Marketing Personnel at CCD. Its not a bad idea actually, its a win win situation both ways. CCD benefits with more customers, and people like me will always welcome this move.

Its really is a great place to just de-stress, relax, chill out with friends. Most of them come in as part of a group of friends probably to just chat over coffee, a lot of two chair tables will be booked for a couple on a date, some prefer coming alone with their ipod playing in their ears and a sutta to go with the coffee, very rarely have I seen people coming with their family and off lately I've even seen business meetings between corporates while sipping coffee with some number crunching on their laptops. As for me, keep guessing which category do I belong to... ;-)

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