Saturday, June 6, 2009

Exhilerating Disgust!

Five hours of sleep, Morning through afternoon full of caffeine, Evening of rush and leaving office in a hurry.. and a night full of exciting highs & forgetable lows!

That describes my topsy-turvy day leading to this very moment when I write this. My laptop clock shows a time of 03:17 AM and am writing for the very first time from somewhere away from home. Am in college currently preparing for our event coming up on Sunday. My day was super hectic today.. and is going to be more so in the couple of days to come. We are organising a Farewell Event for the TY students named Sayonara '09.

Confused? Well, this was what I wrote and saved in draft, of what was supposed to be my next exciting post here. It was written in the early hours on Saturday, 6th June and I was to continue writing once my event was over. Sadly though, it was my last attempt at writing on the blog from my Dell Lappie. It's gone now.

It was an eventful weekend. We had so little time on our hands before our event and so much to do. Om, Ajay, Prashant, Tushar & me decided to stay overnight in college Friday night since there was a lot to do. Besides working hard for the initial few hours of the night, what I encountered for the rest of the night was nothing short of a thriller.

Ajay & Prashant, who went to hunt for food at about 1 AM in Fort area, came back limping & with torn pants. They had tripped off the bike and bruised their legs and elbows badly. It was an accident! While Om did the first aid and applied Dettol on the bruises, me and another friend zoomed off to get Soframyacine and get some food along since we all were really starving. We had to go all the way to Bombay Hospital to get the medicines and on our way back stopped by BadeMiya's for some rolls.

Prashant & Tushar left soon after while Om, Ajay & me decided to stay on. Ajay was preparing the video which was to be given to each of the TY students as a momento,Om & me were busy on our lappies, playing! With no mood to sit and cut thermocol pieces & paint, we spent a rather philosophical Friday night in college discussing about each others strengths & weaknesses, and about how life was and is. It was pleasing to really get to know some of my college buddies, who are very close friends now.

Anyway, as D-Day was approaching, we all got quite busy preparing for the event. Since I was the so-called Event head that day, though I don't think I did anything at all, I was kept busy with a lot of decoration, printing, event flow discussion and stuff. Saturday whole day went in crafting the decorations. McVeggies, Golden glitters, fevicol, water paints, coke, drinking water, all scattered amidst people working! It was a great mix of energy & passion on display. With no sense of time & oneself, everyone contributed selflessly to the event, atleast the making of the event.. It was truly dramatic.

The same bunch of guys who stayed back Friday night decided to stay back Saturday night as well! If only I would have shown such dedication in studies, I can only imagine where I would be. Saturday night was all work little fun. We were tired, dead sleepy but still managed to hang on till about 4 odd when we realised, we had to rest for a while.

Come D-day, and I reach college at 1.30 PM and guess what I am clearly late! Most of the guys are already there and with just 5 hours to go for the event to begin, it was panic situation. I gave my laptop to guys who were burning the CDs to be given away as momento and started focusing on getting the decor in place. Besides also quickly briefed Prasad & Prachi, who were the hosts, the event flow and various games. Neha helped a lot! Unlike her size, she has some serious passion & energy towards such events. Hats off!

Soon, the audi was ready. Having just arrived from Ajay's office with some prints, we were all set to go. Everything seemed to fall in place suddenly and it was time for it to all begin.

People slowly started trickling in. The response was clearly not up to our expectations. Nevertheless, the fact that it was the last day in college for most of them, it was a memorable evening for those who turned up. The video made it all the more memorable. We did a pretty decent job I felt gauging through the reaction of the audience. Although I realised, I have a lot to improve on when it comes to Event handling, it was a truly enriching experience for me. And I strive to do much better, come the next event.

The photo session was exciting. All the guys, including me, were dying to click a snap with the 'white & brown stripped girl' ;-). And why not? She was cute. Having done with all the post event nonsense, it was time to pack up and leave. I was in a mood to head straight to Leopold and enjoy the next couple of hours in celebration of the event. We were all ready to pack up and leave and that's when Disaster struck!

I got everything but the most valuable thing, my laptop! It was missing. I laughed it out initially, thinking it was a prank by someone but soon realised I am in for an forgettable incident! It was actually missing. A big, bulky, black Dell Inspiron went missing. Someone flicked it!

I was stunned. Couldn't speak a word. Everyone went berserk searching for it, right from the Audi to Room No 12 to the second floor but in vain. I failed to digest how a laptop could go missing from the college when all of whom present were us students! It's so freaking hard to believe it could be flicked from college premises. I somehow gathered courage to admit the fact that it was missing and headed home with fear and dejection in mind.

It was not my fault, was it? Or was I really careless? I didn't know then.. I still don't. Can't describe the level of fear in my mind while I was heading home. I was so scared of my parents' reaction that I just couldn't talk it out to them that night.. nor the next morning before leaving for work.. I just couldn't say it. Had to call my brother and tell him the entire episode. My bro in turn called my parents, and what followed what something I last experienced almost a decade ago when I had failed in my maths prelim paper in VII class.

I had to face the music. I guess I deserved it, in a way. I certainly should have been careful. I should have atleast known where my laptop was last being used. Anyway, all said and done, I must say all my friends that night helped a lot in trying to find my laptop. So much so that we all are in the process of drafting and sending a letter to the Director urging him to increase the security standards in college. Anyone, just about anyone, can enter the college premises without any hesitation. It just goes to show the sorry state of security.

What followed that dreadful weekend was a series of visits to the college & police station and major pondering on whether a police complaint should be lodged for the case. Turns out, it is very essential to lodge a complaint to be on the safer side and I will surely need to do one and quickly.

It was that dreadful weekend that really opened my eyes. 9 days from then, here I sit today and write my story of failure and a sense of disgust. I almost get that 'fighting a lost battle' kind of a feeling now. Again, just when things seem to fall in place, another episode of outright dejection in life. I fear, what's next?

Really, life can't be so harsh, can it?

Will I ever get to live life my way?

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