Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On a writing spree..

There was a time when I used to actually think and ponder on what to write about in my blog. But things have changed, and changed for the good. Strangely, I have suddenly developed a flair for writing. I now have 3 distinct ideas in my mind which I am surely going to pen down soon. Two of them infact are already in the process of being written.

I wish to get these published in any newspaper or magazine. Its now my dream to write a book and this experience of writing articles will surely help me along. One thing that keeps me going is the appreciation that I have already received from some of my close buddies for my previous blog posts. They feel I have good writing skills. But I do not think so. I think I need to add a little more variety to my vocabulary which I am afraid am not very good at. If you notice, I have never used any heavy words in any of my posts. Same goes with my articles, which I fear will mark them down when compared to the work of other more accomplished writers.

All said and done, the bottom line is that I will not let this flair in me get bogged down, come what may. I am working towards my dream and am confident of improving with every new article and blogs to come. Will surely share my articles soon.. but not in this blog.

A new blogger id for my articles is coming soon.. Till then, adios! Happy reading to you, and happy writing to me. :)


Hiral said...

i dnt think its the vocab that makes a gud article.its the message that counts.but vocab surely does make it lot easier to express your thought in the best way possible.reduces the gap b/w wat u really wanna say and wat readers interpret.

Milind Gandhi said...

absolutely!! using the right kind of words at the right time is the key i feel.. also thr needs to be lot more variety in the vocabs.. repetition of words or similarity in words is the last thing u want in a gud article.. phew.. lots to learn!!