Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Missing Myself!

Worry takes over,
When I feel something’s missing.

It’s a feeling so weird,
And a feeling full of dullness,
Almost like a nightmare
I had always feared.

Today I am smiling,
But tomorrow I frown,
Alas, it’s the curse of the self destructing brain cell
That makes me feel brown.

When you ask me what is wrong
I have no answer, no reason to say.
And as funny as it may sound,
I don’t know myself, the problem or the way.

They say life is short, make the most
But then, I don’t fear for the most, coz,
I still fight for the least.
And that’s where the fear shows.

I cry within,
I cry for my being.
Surely, a break I desire, for,
The path in front is crumbled and falling.

Am alone in here,
Life is such a nasty thing.
Am afraid, I got to do something soon, for,
It's not just another mood swing!

My random thoughts,
Are taking over my randomness for sure
Am feeling a bit weird,
Coz, I miss myself, and there seems to be no cure!


Aman said...

how i can relate to this!

I do things that I used to like and live for...but they dont give me that satisfaction anymore...

I guess its either just accepting the new you or trying to explore the more facets of life that you havent looked at

Milind Gandhi said...

Hey thanks Aman for the comment..
who says life's fair? its all about getting over and moving on.. difficult but true!!