Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What to write?

It's been ages since I last wrote something here. Did you notice, I started this blog way back in January 2008? Yes indeed, more than 2.5 years back. And, did you notice this is my 21st post? Which means I write approximately 0.7 posts every month. Not even 1 complete post a month, that’s bad!

Ahem, for all logical reasons, the above analysis is crap! But then, I've been doing some crap things these days in life, so things are justified here.

Just before I started writing this, I asked myself, what to write about? I gave it a serious thought, but then I didn't get a convincing answer. Hell yeah, as always. Let me give you an excerpt of that gruelling little period of question and answer session that ran within my small but ambitious brain -

So you want to update your blog today after so long, why?
Because I've not written anything for ages and that I have so much running in my mind and so much happening in life to write about.

Hmm, so what is happening in life? And what is running in your mind?
You asking as if you've been a stranger to me all these days. You know it all, I know.

Ah yes, I know it all. And I know that it's been nothing short of a roller-coaster. But then tell me one thing, what exactly do you want to write about?
Hmm, let me see. May be, my office and work life. Oh no let that be, coz this blog is not going to be private. How about the Friendship Day experience? It was strange, really strange and someone has even suggested me to write on that. Oh and how can I forget my latest new possession? One thing is for sure, if I write about that, it'll hit the headlines. Or you think I should write about that bad, or rather worst ever, break-up or whatever that was? Nah, that is just too bitter an experience to post on a blog. I'd rather park it within me and sport a rise smile as if to suggest things are fine. It's damn difficult, I must say. But then, I've got used to it. Used to the difficulty that is. But nwys, I don't want to write on that one. How about writing on the unforgettable and maddening verbal assault at home by parents for being as careless as a kid and loosing expensive gadgets? Phew, that was some thing man! I cannot imagine my bloody self, how can I keep loosing stuff? It gives all the more reasons for my mom-dad to oppose any big new thing I intend to purchase. And rightly so, because it’s better to be safe than sorry. Ah, hoping to not lose anything else. Have anyways lost my usual self! Ahem, I guess I should write about her. Her? Oh yeah, that one, yes. Or may be no. No, not now, let’s give it some time. Ok how about writing another poem? Or maybe I’ll make a quick list of all the quotes I’ve written. Yeah that would be great, besides there is this latest new trend of people writing their own quotes on facebook as updates. I love doing that. But then, there are so many that I have written at so many different places, where do I get all those from? Aah, damn, am confused.

Err, ok cut it, let me know not ask you any further. Write whatever you feel like.
Well, ok.

I left it at that, no more questions, I said to myself. But then, I seriously want to write something nice. What should I write?

Hell man, just another day passes by where I decide to write something, ponder over the topic for hours together, and ultimately it just ends up being written in my mind. The blog remains deserted.


1 comment:

Abhishek Saraiya said...

now .... i ask my mind wat shuld i comment at this fellas blog.. and it answers to me ... "hmmm ... I like it but ... hmmmm .... it tells me something ... or rather many things ... it tells me that there are many things out of place in this guys life .... but ..but .. hes got something thats right where it shuld be .... many ppl dont have it right ... lucky him .... well i also see talent ... if u ask me .... hes a little frustrated and irritated! may be thts his problem .. keeping things to himself .... one advise (free) ... theres nothing important in this world thats worth ur peace of mind ... tell him to trust me ... or better .... trust himself ... tell him that things will come and they will definitely go away .... these things include stuff , ppl, love , matter, body , health .... everything .... everything will be given to u and will be ruthlessly taken away .... remember that its bound to happen and will continue happening until U UNDERSTAND that watever u get ... is TEMPORARY ... with a blank expiry date ... and thts why they say ... savor it while its still there and BE HAPPY when its gone coz then u will have one thing less to wrry about ... so if u own a laptop ... guard it with ur life if u want but understand that thing is just 2 kilos of plastic and metal ... and trust me theres a lot of plastic and metal all around us ... and its definately not worth loosing ones mind over it ... nothing is .... not even parents .... they like to say things .... coz they have the right to do it ... and its ur duty to listen to them and ur right to absorb it and think over it and decide as a wise man whether wht they are saying actually makes sense ... if ur wisdom tells u NO ... then its ur right to forget it and if YES then implement it ... by the way .... the more they talk ... either means they are more concerned about u (so be happy) or probably they have lost it ... so at the end whatever mental status they may be possesing ... ur aim is to be cool and act cool! "

After my mind said so much ... i thought i am really smart ... but then i asked my mind that how come i too suffer from the same damn issues ??? SO ma mind replies "... listen maan .... most of us ... have a very sane mind ... but .... most of us also have a heart ... so ppl whose heart shouts too much have more problems coz they get confused and cant choose between being practical and being a fool and stay in a state of limbo which some might refer to heart burn!"

Hmmm ... i thought it was fair enough!
I really have a good mind .... but it seems u really have a very loud heart ... whose creating a lot of mess ... so ... simple solution ... listen to my mind and then listen to urs .... be cool ... be at peace !!!

(by the way my mind has commended ur blog)